Friday, December 20, 2019


There are 2 tracts to helping the Whole Human become Healthy. 

One, the 3D Tract - where we focus on your body, your food choices, exercises, business, organization, schooling, and other basic human skills and needs. 

Then there's the Spiritual Tract, where we work with energy, chakras, tarot, sound bowls, Reiki, dreams, meditation, art, and other ancient and new modalities. ⁠

Creating a unique healthy ritual for you in both the 3D world and the Spiritual world opens up more creativity and healing than working in just one area.⁠ We bridge these bodies and help guide you to a more cohesive understanding of who you are, what you want, and how best to attain it. 

You are energy. You are mass. Healing both is what Whole Human Healthy is about.⁠

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