Tuesday, December 24, 2019


Sometimes I feel like an island 

-- alone in the world, not connected, not understood, not with...⁠

BUT - I am not alone or disconnected. Islands are all connected underneath the water. They are linked to the land. They are held by the Earth. They may have different plants and animals unlike any other living on and with them, but they are at their roots, connected.⁠

You are connected. You are not alone. Even if you spend much time in isolation, you are connected to me, the Earth, the elements and others. ⁠

If you feel like an island, if you feel lonely, remember your roots. You are here and so are we. All you have to do is feel your feet on the ground, put your hands on your heart, and breathe. ⁠

We are all connected and our unique island qualities are all beautiful and all needed to be seen and expressed. You are safe to be uniquely you. ⁠

Love to all...⁠

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