Sunday, December 22, 2019


What is a Mudra? 

A mudra is a specific hand position that creates energetic flow and evokes your higher power. In turn, this helps heal the body and energetic fields. ⁠

The mudra in this photo is called Prithivi Mudra. This mudra means Earth and is related to the connection you have to her. ⁠


- grounding⁠

- centering⁠

- helps digestion⁠

- improves skin tone and elasticity⁠

- relaxes the body to allow change⁠

- helps release inner joy⁠


Gently place your thumb and ring fingers together, allowing the other fingers to remain easily extended or straight. While seated, rest your arms on your thighs so you form a triangle from your hands to your head. Close your eyes and breathe - counting the in breath for 6 and match it with the out breath for 6. Soften your belly, soften your eyes, soften your forehead, soften your thoughts. ⁠

There are many mudras that have been used over thousands of years. Now, finally, western science is catching onto the benefits of hand and finger placements. It's your body, and it's a magnificent machine. Use it to your benefit.

Whole Human Healthy can help you help yourself heal your body, mind, and spirit. ⁠

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