Tuesday, December 24, 2019


Life is a poem.⁠

Poems are meant to be read, taken in for the fullness that they are and allowed to be. But what do we humans do? We dissect poems until the magic is lost. We sterilize it, until we don't like what we see. ⁠

Art is made to be enjoyed and loved in its entirety.

If you continue to dissect art, removing all the color, sound, and feeling to get to the root of it all, to understand the artist's meaning - you end up with a blank canvas.⁠

The truth is we are all white light inside, all ONE. All blank canvases. That's where our possibility lives. Then we add color, sound, taste, touch, feelings, emotions, and all that makes up who we uniquely are -- we are a POEM in motion. Digging into all of our stanzas only disintegrates the beauty. We miss the whole of the being. ⁠

You are a poem. Breaking all of you down into your original cell leaves you with a possibility of a poem. But you can start from here in the NOW. You don't have to go backwards to go forwards. You don't have to start over. You can let all of the past go, and create your new stanzas with clarity, love, and direction. ⁠

No more analyzing yourself to death. Live in the NOW - create your new poem how you want to be. ⁠

You are a powerful creator - have fun with your life!⁠

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