Saturday, December 21, 2019


I'm referring to emotions that you and I feel. Let's take ANGER for instance. Say, I'm feeling angry. I used to believe there was one way to be angry.

Is this true? 

Stuff happens, but who is in control of how I respond to it? I started questioning. How do I want to express anger? What is my true authentic way of being angry?

I was modeled all sorts of ways to show anger as I was growing up - the most prevalent was to break things, hurt others with words or hands, punch holes in walls, tantrum, close off entirely, storm out of the house, or hide.

Is this the way I show anger? Is this me or not me?

Anger is a valid emotion and should be moved in the body - energetically & physically. But I had never been given the freedom to be ME in anger. No adult explained how to move it, or that there were many more ways to express it than the ones I was seeing. The patterns of anger were so ingrained in my family passed down from ancestor to ancestor that it was believed to be true. Anger was this, not that. 

So, I meditated on how I would show complete anger - even rage - if I were alone and no one was watching. If no one was there to see, what would I do?

Answer: I would stomp on the ground, make growling noises & snarl. I'd take a stick to a tree. I would howl, shake & tremble. Then, after all that release, I would be able to come back to balance -- to the whole me and talk about what triggered me into my anger emotion. I would not hurt anyone. I would not hurt myself. And, I would not say awful things I couldn't take back.

Today, I'm still unlearning old patterns. 

I've repeated some ancestral, learned patterns - gotten mean, said things I can't take back, thrown things -- but, I also come back to me faster and use the TRUE TO MYSELF way of showing anger. I stomp, connecting feet to the Earth. I growl so I can hear myself. I snarl in a mirror to see the physicalness of my anger, and I shake off the building angry energy in my body to come back to peace.

There are many ways to show each emotion you have. Start to question why you're reacting or doing what you're doing. Is it learned? Is it authentic to you? This is where I started.

You can do this too...

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