Tuesday, December 24, 2019


Water is in and a part of everything on this planet. And water has intelligence. Dr. Emoto's studies on water have shown that when water is told it is loved and it is thanked, it forms beautiful crystals when frozen. 

But when water is told it is hated and it is ugly, it collapses in on itself and forms odd shapes, and broken forms.⁠

You are water. So what are you telling yourself each day?⁠

If you constantly harp on yourself, dislike parts of your body, pick at yourself and say negative words or think negative thoughts about yourself, the water inside of you dulls, collapses, creates irregular shapes and shatters.⁠

But if you consistently tell yourself you are lovely, you are learning, you are bright, you are love, you are faithful, you are inspiring, the water inside of you forms amazing crystals, grows, shines, and connects.⁠

Be loving to yourself first. 

You will make mistakes. 

You will sometimes fail, but you are learning. 

You are love. You are capable of great things. 

Believe in yourself and you will shine like the crystal you are. And those around you will start to shine, too.⁠

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