Tuesday, December 24, 2019


I've been noticing a lot of spirituality out there saying good vibes only, positivity, look on the bright side, positive vibes only, blah, blah, blah...⁠

Positivity is great - when it's authentic. But to ignore or push down your dark side, your destructive thoughts, your lower vibration is folly. ⁠

Covering up half of yourself and only showing the world your light side is a recipe for total breakdown and destruction. As you ignore your darkness, it grows in the shadows. It becomes angry, vengeful, spinning, and hateful of its isolation. You ignore that long enough it will destroy you. It will explode, traumatizing your life and your loved one's. ⁠

Spirit encompasses ALL feelings - the dark and the light. ALL are welcomed, witnessed, learned from, and integrated. When we ignore our darkness in favor for our light, we become half-beings. Half awake and not Holy.⁠

Embrace your darkness as you embrace your light. Ask questions of your dark thoughts, and be open to those teachings. Integrate your past traumas, do not push them away or bury them deep inside. Be brave enough to witness the full you - all of you - the high and the low, the light and the dark. The full you wants to be loved, wants to be seen, wants to be accepted.⁠

Spirituality is positive but spirituality is also negative. Both live side by side - to ignore one is to be a half in the other.

To be fully embodied, love both.

Then you are truly Holy. ⁠

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