Sunday, December 22, 2019


What is Earthing? 

The Earth is an electric being. Energy flows through her, around her, inside and outside of her. You, too, are an electric being. You have an energy bubble around you, running through you and inside and outside of you.⁠

To Earth, means to walk barefoot on the Earth. The Earth gives her energy freely to you. It vibrates at her tuned-in rate and helps unlock and release stuck energy inside of you. Think of Mother Earth as a great mulcher. She can handle anything you give, and she takes it like all good mothers, heals it, and returns clean, loving energy to you.⁠

This is not Woo-Woo! This is scientifically backed. For those of you that need that tested knowledge -- but try to tune in and FEEL what the Earth does for you when you go barefoot on her.⁠

Drop what you know. 

Drop what you think you know. 

Open up to possibilities that you know nothing, but are a child of the Universe - perpetually learning. Get curious about your body and your world. ⁠

Feeling sad? Angry? Confused? Broken? Go to nature. She is there waiting patiently for you to return, to Earth, to Ground, to release what no longer serves you. ⁠

She is the best secret keeper, too. I have often released tears and hurt by talking to a tree. Giving her what I can no longer hold, Mother Earth releases me from that pain, and in return I receive clarity and clean energy. ⁠

You are worthy of love. Trust in the Earth. ⁠

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