Tuesday, December 24, 2019


My latest dream:

I stepped out of ALL THAT IS - leaving a shadow of me on her energy field.⁠

Looking to the right and the left there were millions of mes - all different versions. I was a moon, tree, dragon, star, angel, old dying man, heavy set woman, child, baby, wind, light and they kept on going in both directions forever and ever.⁠

Then, one by one, they started stepping into me. They energetically became one with me, millions of the mes coming home. And I knew I was remembering my previous lives, my previous energies and ancient knowings.⁠

And I looked at my hands and in my hands was a symbol. It was a triangle with three spheres on each point. I was folding it and playing with it, creating other geometric shapes.⁠

I knew then that I create my life and I can mold it in any form.⁠


You create your life. 

You dream it. 

Remember your dreams. They are gifts from yourself and your energies. They are sprinkles of old knowings.⁠

If you keep saying you don't dream, you won't. Start saying I will remember my dreams tonight. Then drink a huge glass of water right before bed. When you wake to use the bathroom, remember what you were dreaming - write it down. This will become a practice and you will reap much rewards from your dreams.⁠

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