Tuesday, December 24, 2019


In the pursuit of truth, there will be falses & hypocrites. How can you tell the real deal from the fake?

Hypocrites are not evil beings, they are in search of the truth. But they are hiding from themselves, and so everything they see and do or say is a reflection of that falsehood.

A hypocrite feels lukewarm at best. They have no sense of self, no core, so they bounce around from person to person or idea to idea referencing outside themselves for groundedness. But without coming from the inside of self, they cannot hold the untrue vibration of others for long. The may feel like a chameleon, changing who they are or what they want depending upon who's near them.

Hypocrites above all else do not want to be hurt. This is their biggest fear, so they try to anticipate everyone's wishes and do that. They feel if they make everyone around them happy and safe, then they will be safe and happy, too.

Righteousness is on stage in the hypocrite's mind. They believe they know what's right for all, and so they demand everyone follow the same rules. This destroys creativity and curiosity. But they believe they are helping others stay safe by keeping them to the rules.

To overcome the hypocrisy in you, check in with yourself.

Find your core, and do not reference another. You are safe in your vibration of you. Keep coming back to yourself and checking in with what's true and right for you.

You can also guide the hypocrite in your life back to themselves. Have them reference their body when they start to pull from your energy. Where are they feeling unsafe in their body? This is a great question to ask them. Have them name it and place their hands there to find their core.

You will help yourself and others become more solid, more balanced, and more creative.

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