Saturday, December 21, 2019


Do you feel stuck? 

Irritated by the same people over and over and don't know how to get off the hamster wheel or out of the sticky pumpkin?

I used to feel this way. The same old conversations with friends & family that would infuriate me. The same job. The same questioning of who I was and what am I supposed to be doing? The same "what's wrong with me?" because everyone else seemed to be so sure of themselves. 

I hated them!

Then I got curious. I realized that every situation I felt lost and angry in created the same feelings inside of me, and the only common factor they had was me

Light bulb went off. 

I started to watch myself in daily interactions. I noticed when I got tense, rigid, irritated, and then, I asked why??? 

I noticed a pattern. I resented people that talked too much, or had the floor too often. I resented those that got promotions faster than me. I resented new clothes of the season, and the prettier, skinnier models on the covers of mags. I resented not being invited to parties, even the ones I didn't' want to go to. I resented other artists if I thought they were better than me. 

Seriously, I was full of resentment. I was living my life through resentment colored glasses. Everyone was an enemy, and I was the VICTIM!! And there it was. 

Mic drop - Kaboom! 

I'm playing out the VICTIM role. 

This was my wake up call. NO MORE! I am strong. I am brave. I am capable. I am loving. I am happy. I am giving. I am balanced. I can heal and be done. I do not need to be the victim forever. I will have an authentic life of my own creation. That's that.

And so it is...and still evolving.

Take back your life if you're playing the victim role. You put yourself in that stuck place, and you can get yourself out. If you need help or guidance Bryan and I are here.

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