Sunday, December 22, 2019


Trees miss us. 

They've come to me in dreams and meditations and in ceremony. They miss us living around them without walls. They miss us having babies on their roots - using them for stability. They miss us climbing them and playing through them. They miss our open connection.⁠

Trees are wise creatures of the Earth. They are connected with not only the trees of their own lineage, but of all plants, insects, and animals that live nearby. Not only that, trees whisper to each other through their roots and branches. They can communicate for miles and some say around the whole Earth.⁠

Trees remember how we used to live together, before we cut them down to create cities full of concrete and glass.⁠

Trees miss us. 

They want you to remember whispering your secrets to them. They are great secret holders. They are great mulchers and have much ancient wisdom to share.⁠

I promise you, if you start to talk to a tree, magic things will happen in your life. Begin with just telling the tree your life story. That's all. The bond will grow from there. ⁠

If you have a heavy question, and you don't know what to do, ask a tree. Not just any tree...choose your tree as it chooses you. The older, the better for you and the tree. Sit in her branches, let his trunk hold you steady, and spill your guts. Ask your questions. Cry your eyes out. Or stomp around in anger. 

The trees are capable of holding it all and want to connect with you. They want to share with you again.⁠

Now, go find your tree!⁠

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