Sunday, December 22, 2019


Today be a hero! 

What, you say? How? 

It's simple, and once you start it's too fun to stop. 

Simple things that create heroism in yourself which in turn ignites heroism in another, and another, and another... 

What to do:

- walking in town? pick up some trash. 

- offer your eyes to someone and smile

- give someone your spot in line

- buy the stranger behind you a coffee

- donate a present to toys for tots

- give your loved one a foot massage

- read to a child

- help someone to their car

- ask a wallflower to a dance

- invite a new neighbor over for wine

- make dinner for an elderly neighbor

- clean up your property

- plant a tree

- adopt a pet

- help a child with homework

- babysit for a young couple for free

- send a notecard in the mail

- bring home flowers to your husband

- teach your partner something new

- share an honest feeling

- be a safe place for someone

- offer a ride to the doctor for an elderly neighbor

- pick a flower for a random person on the street

- give a compassionate smile to a homeless person

- volunteer to beach clean up days

- bring a garbage bag with you on your next hike & clean up

- donate your time to a local school

- thank a first responder

- read to kids in a hospital

- teach yoga, reiki, art for free one day a month

- donate a can of food for Thanksgiving

- really listen to a friend or loved one

- give a deep and long hug to someone

- turn off the TV and talk

- take pride in how you present yourself to others

- donate used items

- donate all your storage items - buy a whole table dinner and leave before they know

See - it's fun to be a hero. 

And it only take small things to get the heroism feeling started. 

One tiny step in the hero direction and you're off! It's contagious too. Love yourself. Love others. Love your community. 

Love the world. ...

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