Saturday, December 21, 2019


Have you shaken your dead leaves free? 

It's time. 

Really shake it up. 

I mean physically stand on your feet, and start to shake like a dog fresh from a bath. Shake that junk loose. Shake that old water off. Shake that stuff that no longer serves you. ⁠

Shake it all.⁠

I'm think you think I'm kidding. I'm not. ⁠

Get out of that chair, off of the floor, out of bed and SHAKE. Shake your body. Shake it up. ⁠Shake like you mean it. 


Why do you think animals that get hit by a car, or a cat that gets its tail stepped on, or a dog that runs into a sliding glass door -- shakes? ⁠

They're shaking that body trauma loose. They do it right then and there so it doesn't get stuck in their bodies. 

You are an animal - you can do it too. Shake it off. It's fun too!⁠

You're welcome...⁠

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