Friday, December 20, 2019


You deserve time and space. 

These are givens and readily available to you. But many of you believe there is no time or space for you. You don't take up your space, and you don't protect or create time. ⁠

Life is not about rushing, scrolling, quickly liking something, nodding, speeding, ignoring, eating on the go, not feeling emotions, and becoming depleted of creativity.⁠

You are the creator of your life -- start to play with energy movement by concentrating on expanding time and space. Once you get the hang of it, your life will feel expansive in both of these gifts. ⁠

It starts with slowing down. Slowly. Slowly. Notice your breath. Notice why you are spinning, why you are in a race. Breathe. Then use reasoning. Ask yourself, what am I doing and to what end? Who is involved? How can I slow down and create the time I need and the space to create? 

As you start to notice when you're rushing, you will relax into the how and why. Your life will start to feel slower and more aligned with your loving vibrations.⁠ Time and space will expand for you and your needs. 

We are masters of time and space expansion and will teach you how to do this and much more...⁠

Love to All...⁠

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