Sunday, December 22, 2019


You have come this far in your life...if you're satisfied, happy, sad, angry, or other - it doesn't matter. This is where you are. 

But you didn't come this far to only come this far...⁠

Now, it's time to become aware. Aware of your thoughts - IN EVERY SINGLE MOMENT. Yep. Tall order, I know. But if you wish to move forward in healing, in forgiveness, in love and light - this is your homework. ⁠

Notice every single thought you have from the moment you wake to the drifting off to sleep again. Each one counts. ⁠

Here's the problem: I want a joy and a love filled life. I think this a few times a day. But, the other moments I'm oblivious to my thoughts -- or they are negative, and I allow them. I think "I hate when he does that." or "That idiot just cut me off." or "I'm not sorry." or "I despise doing laundry." These thoughts fire off so rapidly in my mind that I don't notice all of them. ⁠

To promote what I want - joy & love - I must notice my negative thoughts and reroute them to positive. This is a practice. Coming from compassion for myself, and my negative thoughts, I start to guide them back to my goals. 

Gently. Gently. And with love. ⁠


"I hate when he does that." (About my son leaving his dirty clothes on the floor.) Catch the thought. Reroute it to something more positive like, "I would like it better if he put his dirty clothes in the laundry." Then act on this with love. "Would you please put your laundry in the basket? It's more helpful."⁠

You can do this -- it helps to write down the negative thoughts and then write a positive under it. Do this = change your life for the positive. We're here to help. ⁠

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