Sunday, December 22, 2019


Beauty is a powerful force. 

I used to despise beauty in myself and in others. I paid no attention to beauty around me in words, objects, thoughts, feelings, and people. I found it frivolous, irritating, and I often felt jealous. ⁠

I judged people first on their beauty or what I perceived lack of. I rushed from one place to another, one thought to the next. I ignored beauty altogether. I didn't have time to notice that in myself or outside of me. ⁠

But it's all around us, and it comes in all forms: from an enchanted dance, to a singing voice that brings tears to the eyes, to a face so perfectly geometrically formed that it takes the breath away, to stunning architecture, delightfully prepared food, a playfully pure laugh, artwork that enlightens, and to flowers that make us stop and smell them.⁠

Beauty commands respect. It wants to be noticed for its simplicity and for its intricate strength. Beauty rises all around us, but it's fleeting. Pay attention, or you'll miss it.⁠

Open your heart to the beauty that's inside of you, in others, and in all of the world. Listen, see, smell, taste, touch, and sense what it is teaching you.⁠

A rose grows. 

It seems simple, and unassuming. But it has the power to make us stop in our tracks, to pause in our busy lives, to bend to it and smell it's sweetness. To admire it's symmetry, to be awakened by its bright coloring. It's beauty is what it offers, and we notice it's gentle power. ⁠

You are beautiful, which means you are powerful. But with power comes responsibility. Wield your beauty wisely, and this will help guide others to theirs.⁠

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