Sunday, December 22, 2019


No one's keeping score. 


No one is watching you and remembering how messy you were, or how much coffee you spilt on yourself, or how you burped, how you danced, that you didn't know the answer, that you got it wrong, that you screwed up, that you were frightened, that you lost, that you fell, or that you don't know why you're here or who you are. ⁠

No one, but you, is remembering how you've messed up - or let loose - or looked silly. ⁠

No one, but you, is judging you on all the little things you're obsessing about.⁠

Think about it this way:

Do you remember what the person who walked by you two days ago was wearing? Do you remember what that women in yoga did two weeks ago? Do you remember the stain on that guy's shirt a year ago? And if you do --- do you care?⁠

I don't. ⁠

I used to not let loose, not go for it all, not get weird, not be really silly because I thought I'd be seen as off, strange, odd, sad, irritating, clueless, dumpy, messy, or idiotic.⁠

I missed out on a lot of fun. A lot of laughs. A lot of growth because I worried more about what the outside world thought of me. ⁠

NOW - I AM WEIRD. I am MESSY! I am weird, and I'm getting weirder! I am so messy and strange. I love myself more for it each day. ⁠

Step out of that box you're in - walking that tightrope, worried that someone might notice you're not perfect, you don't know everything, you're confused too and scared. The jig is up. We're all like that. Even if we pretend we know - even if our cup is so full nothing else can fit inside - we don't know. We don't know even a fraction of what's going on out there. Everything's strange, and we're a part of it all. ⁠

We're all weird. 

We're all unique. 

We're all odd. ⁠

The world needs your oddness. Come out and play with us oddballs! The weirder, the better!⁠

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