Friday, December 20, 2019


What is Self-Love?⁠

This is not to be confused with selfish behavior. Self-love is respect for the self. When you have a great self-love ritual, you have less stress and anxiety. You are able to recover faster after a trauma. You become more optimistic and have a better diet. You get sick less and feel happier more. You have more energy for your needs and for others. ⁠

Self-love is treating, talking, thinking and being with yourself as you would a baby version of you. Self-love is becoming aware of your negative self-talk, and consciously coming back to loving yourself. ⁠

Self-love is releasing judgement and shame of the self and making conscious choices to be healthier, kinder, and more open with yourself.⁠

Self-love is acknowledging that you are human, that you've made mistakes and will again.  But just as a child makes a mistake or hurts someone, and you love that child and teach them a kinder way to be to others - you love yourself the same. You allow yourself to be human, not above, not below - and you love through it all.⁠

Self-love is accepting what is - what you are feeling now and being curious about your feelings. Not judging, but watching and feeling where in the body they sit. Massaging that place with loving kindness and allowing energy to flow. ⁠

Self-love is being open to new possibilities of who you are and where you are going. It's courageously looking at your stories about yourself, your life, and your family and asking questions that might give surprising answers. ⁠

Self-love is allowing your creativity to be shown. To write positive letters to yourself, to play with your unique way of being in this world.⁠

Self-love is many many things - but creating a Self-Love ritual is the first step. We can help you with this and so much more. ⁠

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