Friday, December 20, 2019


Hi, I'm Angie, and I'm a Spiritual Life Coach alongside my husband, Bryan - a Primal Life Coach. Together, we form a dynamic team that covers your 3D Everyday Life and your Spiritual Higher Self life.

Here are a few of the experiences & trainings I've had in my 45 years on this planet this time around. 

* Lifeguard

* Firefighter

* Elephant Studies & Handler PGH Zoo

* Private Art & Healing Classes

* Associates in Architectural Drafting

* B.A. Psychology

* M.F.A. Creative Writing

* Writer's Boot Camp Graduate

* SCBWI member & Dream Board Coach * Andrea Brown Literary Agency Intern

* Taught Psyche I to Male Lifers in Prison

* Taught Writing 6th - 8th grade students

* Taught Art & Healing to private students

* Yoga Teacher Training 400+ hours

* Yoga Teacher Studios + Private Lessons

* Meditation Coach

* Women's Circles - Ran & Participated

* The Hoffman Process Graduate

* Sacred Sexuality Training

* Dreams Revealed Coach * Trained with Shamans at Teotihuacan, Sedona, California, & Paris

* The Wisdom School Studies

* Graduate Studies Ancient Wisdom at Ubiquity University

* Reiki Trained I & II

* Foraging & Flower & Plant Medicine Studies

* PTSD Trained for First Responders & Traumas

* Death & Dying Graduate Studies

* High Priestess Training @ Priestess Rising * Plant Psychedelic Studies

* Psychedelic Artist & Art Healer

* Fall 2019 Currently attending Lynda Caesara's Energy and Boundary Class

* Facilitator of Plant Teachers & Plant Allies

* Co-Owner of Paleo Magazine, LUX Edibles & Tellason Jeans

* Co-Owner & Co-Founder Whole Human Healthy

I am a forever student and love to pass on my learnings to my friends, family, and clients. I am open to all genders and identifiers and to all religions and spiritualities. You are safe with me. I know my boundaries and will help guide you to yours with an open-heart and loving kindness. 

I am here. 

I am.

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