Friday, December 20, 2019


Unique Wholeness is what we coach. 

We do not want to make you mini copies of us, or of anyone else. You are an individual with unique experiences. Even though we are all one, we are also all separate. We came here to know our oneness as separateness. ⁠

We hope for you the best understanding of yourself as separate and as one. We work with you to discover your deeper purpose. We help you remember your unique tone that you are here to bring out onto the Earth. ⁠

This type of guiding is different than the guru type that's out there now. We hope for you to know your greatness, your uniqueness, your creativity - not some watered down version of ours. 

You are a part of a great song and without your unique tone, the song goes flat. If guides and shamans keep creating mini-me's that ancient wisdom you were born with, that you were meant to bring unto the Earth, is lost.

We DO NOT accept all applicants. You will be asked to fill out a questionnaire and then have an introductory phone call to see if we will compliment one another. Some believe they are ready for this deep dive. Their head's say YES - but their energies say NO. Both must be on board for this program and these rituals. ⁠

So, do you want to dive deep into yourself? Are you ready to remember your unique tone and add it to the song of the Universe? 

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