Friday, December 20, 2019


Relaxing into what scares you.⁠

We often turn away from our fears and those things that scare us. Some of us actually mentally leave our bodies. Some run away physically. Others ignore and box up their fears. Some turn aggressive. As creative creatures, we come up with some pretty amazing ways to not sit in our fears. ⁠

We have ways to "deal" with fear, but are we learning from our fears? ⁠

I am a leaver - my energy escapes my body as soon as I fear something. I have learned to stay, but it took meditation and understanding of my deep fears, and a feeling of safety within me to stay with my fears. ⁠

My husband is a box guy. He boxes up feelings he doesn't want to feel until that's no longer possible. Nothing good comes of this, and he's learned how to release in other ways. To not close off and box up emotions.⁠

How did we learn to stay and to be with our emotions of fear? We use a specific meditation to stay and be with our fears. We name our fears. We witness each other in a state of fear. And we can teach you how to do this and to remember more about yourself using fear.⁠

You are not your fears. 

But those fears are here to help guide you to who you truly are...⁠

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