Friday, December 20, 2019


Here at Whole Human Healthy, we value meditation as one of the most connected times to the self during the day. ⁠Bryan and I meditate 3x a day. That's right! Was unbelievable to us at first, too. But if we can do it, so can you!

What Meditation does for you:⁠

  1. Lessens stress⁠

  2. Enhances self-esteem⁠

  3. Boosts love for self and all⁠

  4. Reduces blood pressure⁠

  5. Helps develop positive self-connection⁠

  6. Increases mental abilities⁠

  7. Helps with memory⁠

  8. Creates connection between breath & body⁠

  9. Improves your mood ⁠

  10. Raises compassion⁠

  11. Expands mindfulness and allowance for self & all⁠

  12. Decreases emotional eating⁠

  13. Enhances sleep cycles⁠

  14. Reduces anxiety⁠

  15. Elevates feelings of joy, love, & happiness⁠

  16. Helps manage PTSD⁠

  17. Improves clarity⁠

  18. Lowers heart disease & stroke risks⁠

  19. Raises creativity ⁠

  20. Relieves pain⁠

  21. Helps reduce alcohol & drug use⁠

  22. Increases optimism ⁠

                     ...AND the science keeps piling up for pro-meditation!⁠

Get your meditation on!!!⁠

Start slow - 5 minutes at night before bedtime. Then increase in 5 minute intervals until you're around 30 minutes or so. Keep a journal to see your progress in your ability to sit still, relax, and let go. Keep a record of your emotional state. Note any visions, smells, and emotions that may arise.

You can do this! ⁠


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