What is trust?
Do you trust yourself?
The number 5 is a symbol of trust for me. When I see it anywhere, I check in to see where my integrity is at that moment.
I ask - Am I doing something that is in alignment with me, or not? It could be the most mundane thing, like getting the mail. But if I'm getting the mail because I feel I should, or I feel someone else wants me to, or I think it will make someone happy, then I'm not in alignment with my integrity.
I've broken trust with myself.
This sounds odd...making someone happy, or doing what I "should" do is in line with others or society.
But Integrity is within you - not others, not society, not out there somewhere. But if you don't know what your integrity is - you may think it's doing for others.
Trust is looking into your integrity. What are your boundaries? What is good for you and will make you a more trustworthy Whole Human?
Back to getting the mail: In that moment it was not in my integrity - I was happy reading, but knew my child was waiting for basketball shoes to arrive for his game. I was doing for him and resentful for it.
There's the key. Doing for others is wonderful, as long as it is within your integrity. Getting the mail at that moment was not in mine....my self wanted to finish the chapter I was on and was annoyed at being asked to go get the mail.
A mature way to handle this and stay within my integrity so that I build more trust within myself and others would've been to say, "I will get the mail after I finish this chapter. This is important to me, and if I get up right now for you, I'll be irritated. I'd like to do that for you, but with love when I'm ready."
Start looking at where you are breaking it within yourself first. Many times it's doing for others out of obligation, frustration, or fear. Stay within your integrity to build trust with yourself. Then you will build trust with others. They will see you, and they will respect you too. .....
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