Are your kids Whole Human Healthy?
The answer is, "Probably not." Why is this?
We lack tribes today. We box each other up in rooms, schools, work, retirement villages - according to age groups. According to someone else's idea of how we should be living, acting, sleeping, and being. We promote rote learning & repeating. We prize "winners" but only within society's standards.
We push our kids to do more, read more, write more, watch more, respond more, and so they stress out more. More than any human ever did in the history of humanity. No wonder they look spaced out, depressed, hurt themselves or others, get diagnosed with ADHD, and take drugs.
They're exhausted & they're getting angry!!
When do they get to play? We mean play without parents getting to know their every move via cell phones? When do they get to be alone? Without their every hour accounted for with lessons, tutors, & sports?
Do they ask you big questions about the Universe? About GOD? ALL THAT IS? SACREDNESS? About anything outside of your knowledge? Do they dream anymore? Do you?
Let your kids relax. Let them play! Stop hounding them with to-do lists and schedules. Let them be kids. Let them dream without preparing for college and careers. Let them be. STOP living through them and "giving" them all the things you didn't have as a child. They don't want stuff, advice, and the how-tos to everything.
They want LOVE & deep connection with you. They want to be seen and to see you. Ask them about their spirituality. Ask them their ideas of why they are here. Allow them to answer anyway they like. Allow dreaming. Allow questioning. Allow curiosity. Let go of controlling, and you'll get to see your child. You'll see them blossom. They'll invite you in. Just trust in them.
We can guide you in a new relationship with your kids. One that will open all of your hearts. The world needs dreamers, creators, and lovers. If we keep controlling our children, we get more of the same. Let go and trust in them. Trust in God. Trust in creativity and curiosity. You can!
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