Friday, December 20, 2019


Are you noticing them? 

All of your life you've been given clues to who you are and why you're here. ⁠

Look back - what did you love to do as a child? What made you laugh? What opened your heart? ⁠

Signs come into your life when you are going off of your path to wholeness and happiness. Signs come. Notice them. ⁠

If someone tells you about a great book, and then you see it at a friend's house, and then you hear the authors name on the radio. This is a sign. Get the book - get curious as to why it keeps showing up for you.

Question everything. Pay attention. Use your senses and note smells, sensations, sights, etc...⁠

Look back at your life - what signs were you given that you missed? Here at Whole Human Healthy, we use life chart graphs to help you discover old signs and new signs. ⁠We analyze your dreams and meditations. We harness the energy of automatic writing to link words and phrases from your subconscious. 

The Universe wants you to have abundance, love, joy, and freedom -- follow the signs. 

Follow the CLUES!

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