Friday, December 20, 2019


Do you like the reality you've created? 

Do you believe it's someone else's fault that you're unhappy, dissatisfied, overweight, in debt, tired, confused, angry, or sick?⁠

We've all been taught that happiness, love, money, energy, understanding, and pretty much anything that seems "good" lies outside of ourselves, that there is something bigger and better than us out there somewhere. ⁠And that it, God, or energy is in complete control. 

The first remembering to allow is that you, us, we are all part of IT, ALL THAT IS, GOD, ENERGY. We are not above it, below it, or to the side of it. We are in it - the web of everything. 

Happiness starts within, as does all emotion. You feel them first. So, if you want to have a happy life, create happiness within - no matter what is going on outside. Find the flowers, stop looking at the garbage.⁠

It's a mind-shift perspective, and it takes practice. But you can do it! There are meditations and other tools that will help.⁠ A small shift in what you've created as your reality, will open up many doors of thought, emotion, and creativity. You are all that is and so are we. You are the power you've been searching for - just try this thought on for a while and see. 

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