Friday, December 20, 2019


Are you spinning on why you are here? 

What is your purpose? 

How do you get to where you want to go? What career is best for you? How to meditate? What is healthy eating and healthy living? How to exercise for your individual body type? How to breathe? Self-care? What creates a great relationship? How to be yourself? How to communicate with your kids and listen so they open up to you? How to create a tribe? What is a boundary and how to hold them?⁠

We were just like you....we spun out on many things in our past 25 years together. But we supported each other in our growth and learning. We took classes. Worked with Shamans all over the world. We journeyed and meditated. We changed our diet and our sleep habits. We opened up to other ways of being. 

Now, we are ready to teach and coach you on your path of awakening to yourself.⁠ Bryan and I had each other for this deep dive into self-realization. Going it alone is doable, but we highly recommend guides and support. We believe in together is better. And we want to help you remember your gifts, your talents, and your purpose!

You are not wrong for spinning. 

You are right where you should be. 

This is the beginning. 

This is exciting! 

And you are supported.⁠

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