Friday, December 20, 2019


Bryan and I have worked in the health field for over 8 years. We are co-owners and Publishers of Paleo Magazine. We've gone through coaching classes, yoga training, meditation coaching, training classes, and health classes. We know how to help you choose a diet and lifestyle that will not feel like death. ⁠

(Diet & Lifestyle = as in what you eat for the rest of your life, not for 30 days or 40 or some weird timeframe.)⁠

Not every diet & lifestyle is right for every being. We will help you discover what your body craves for health reasons instead of sugar addiction reasons. ⁠We will help you rediscover your joyful lifestyle, the unique qualities you crave. 

We will help you learn to listen to your body and its signals of what is healthy for you and what is not. We guide you every step of the way until you are no longer unaware of your food needs. You will be able to read yourself and know what is right for you. ⁠

We make it fun. We play in this world of healthy lifestyle on all aspects of our being. We will teach you as much as you want to know. We will go down those rabbit holes with you, holding the anchor so you will learn and find your way back to you.⁠

We all Eat!

We all Live!

Let's do it right for our bodies and souls. ⁠

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