Saturday, January 4, 2020


12 around the 1⁠

When you start to notice this sacred geometry, you'll see it everywhere. And you'll wonder where your awareness has been for so long.

12 around 1 is source consciousness. 12 = 1 + 2 = 3 the Holy Trinity.⁠

There are many places where we see the number 12 around the 1. Think clocks for a great visual -- 12 hours around the mid circle. Then think of the zodiac, the months in a year, and the flower of life. ⁠

12 around the 1 is seen in artwork and has been created in ancient architecture. ⁠It's in old church stained glass windows. You'll find it around the world, hidden in plain sight.

Question what 12 around the 1 means to you. Meditate on it, even if you don't quite understand it's meaning yet. When I first heard of 12 around 1, I was in Paris, studying with Shamans, Teachers, and Facilitators from many countries. They spoke extensively on the 12 around 1 sacred geometry and the flower of life. ⁠

This is just a quick peek under the blanket of our illusionary reality -- but once it gets in your head, I promise, you'll see 12 around 1 everywhere.

There are clues to your purpose all around you -- and bigger clues still to the Universe. It's all a game -- start searching for the clues.

Have fun!!⁠

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