Saturday, January 4, 2020


Where is your CENTER?⁠

Knowing yourself is knowing your center. Do you know yours? If you're wondering what I'm talking about, then no, right now you don't.⁠

Your center is the place inside of you that knows. It knows what you're a YES for and it knows what you're a NO for. But sometimes we choose not to listen to it. We allow the shoulds to should all over us.⁠ We allow others to tell us what to feel, who we should be, how we should dress, and act.

How can you stop living your life for others, but be a good helpful person, and strongly aligned with your center?⁠

This starts with recognizing your goodness. That you are Holy. That you are a loving and kind person - no matter the mistakes you might have made.

Find yourself. This is essential - your number one job to do and the toughest thing to try because we are torn in many directions by multiple obligations and people which pull us from our core. ⁠And without much training from elders, we are confused and don't know how to remain stable in our own core when someone else needs, directs, or becomes aggressive toward us.

So, how do you find yourself? ⁠

Meditate. Meditate. Meditate - then Meditate more. I mean it. No more I-don't-have-time-for-that excuses. You MUST meditate - Meditate with openness, not expectations. ⁠This is will truly be a turning point for you in your quest for self-understanding and self-love. Meditate (or as some call it, Pray) with love, openness, thankfulness, and ask for guidance.

This is not to be confused with asking for someone outside of yourself to fix your life. That is a childish way of living in the world and you are ready to move on from that first teaching. Praying or Meditating in a mature way is to ask yourself what you need, to rely on yourself for love and guidance, to mature into your ancient knowings and relate them to your life in the NOW.

Once you meditate and have your core - start to ask it questions to re-introduce yourself to it. Start with easy ones "Hi, core, Angie here, do I want gluten free pizza?" If I lean back it's a NO. "Or fish for dinner?" If I lean forward it's a YES. Play with this until you feel you know it's yes and no ways of communicating with you.⁠

Then honor it.

You are important. I promise you, that if you continue to ignore your core, you will feel drained, get sick, depressed, and resentful toward others. This in no way helps anyone. Know your NO's and honor them just as you honor your YES's. You will be a happier person and in turn you will treat others with kindness. ⁠

You are worth knowing yourself and honoring yourself.⁠

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