Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Death, Writing and Fear

Embracing the Inevitable: Exploring Death, Writing, and Fear

What are you waiting for? It's a question that has been haunting me lately, lingering in the corners of my mind like a persistent whisper. As I sit down to write this blog post, I find myself contemplating some of life's most profound and universal themes: death, creativity, and fear.

Death is the one certainty we all face, yet it remains one of the most enigmatic and frightening aspects of the human experience for most. It's a topic we often avoid discussing, as if by acknowledging its presence, we can somehow delay its inevitable arrival. But the truth is, death is an integral part of life. It's the final chapter in our individual stories, the punctuation mark at the end of our sentences. Instead of shying away from it, we should embrace the idea of death as a natural part of the human journey.

Writing, for me, has become a way to confront the specter of death. It's a means of leaving behind a piece of myself, a record of my thoughts and experiences that will endure long after I'm gone. In a world where everything is transient, words have the power to transcend time and space. They allow us to communicate with people who may not even be born yet, sharing our hopes, dreams, and fears with future generations.

But here's the thing about writing: it can be a terrifying endeavor. The blank page is a canvas of infinite possibilities, but it's also a void that can swallow us whole if we let it. Fear, that ever-present companion, often creeps in as we confront the challenge of putting our thoughts into words. Some fear that our words won't be good enough, that they won't capture the essence of what we want to say, or that they will be forgotten and lost in the vast sea of literature. I sure do!

Ask yourself this, "Who cares?" It's just people out there who read what other people have written. We're all just people doing stuff and hoping others will like it. But so what? Does it really matter? Maybe it does if you're writing for money or writing for fame, but I'm not. And most of the writers I've met aren't either. They're writing for themselves to release old traumas, to learn more about who they are inside and what they believe in, and if others decide they like it, well, that's just the cherry on top. 

So, what are you waiting for? Don't let fear keep you from expressing yourself through writing or creative endeavors. Embrace the uncertainty of the blank page and fill it with your thoughts, stories, and unique perspectives on life and death. Remember that writing is not just about leaving a mark on the world; it's also a way to confront your own fears and anxieties.

Ultimately, we all have a limited amount of time on this Earth. Death is the one thing we can't escape, but writing allows us to leave a lasting legacy. It's a way to confront our fear of the unknown and make our mark on the world. Go forth and start writing today, and let your words become a bridge between the past, the present, and the future. Embrace the inevitability of death and use it as a catalyst to live a life filled with purpose, creativity, and expression. Your words have the power to outlive you, so make them count.

And as always,



If you'd like an interview on your creative adventure, reach out at angazur @

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