Monday, November 13, 2023

Rewrite your Backstory and Thanksgiving

Freedom to Rewrite Your Life Story: 


A Tale of Curiosity 

by Angie Azur

Hey there, fellow storytellers and reality re-writers! Today, we're diving headfirst into the thrilling and untapped world of creating our own backstories. Yes - that's right! You have the freedom to change anything in your past that no longer serves you. You don't have to go on living as if those stories have energy, value, or space in your mind. 

I'm talking about those awful stories you keep repeating to yourself and others about what your mother, father, siblings, and friends did or what they didn't do that hurt you so long ago. How many years has it been? It's over, my friends. It's time to rewrite that and let it go!!! In order for more loving and wonderful stories to enter your life, you must release the ones stuck in your brain. Feel the emotions there, integrate the lessons, if any can be gleaned, and then release them back to the Earth. 

Many times in life, 

we're handed a script that we didn't write.

 We're all born into certain families and societies with specific agendas and experiences, some that are wonderful for us, others that cause trauma, pain, and confusion. Life throws us a curveball or two. But here's the good news: 

We don't have to stick to that script!

We have the power to rewrite our own life stories! This is not just for writers. It's for anyone looking to trade in old traumas for a brighter, happier future.

Imagine this: You have the pen, and you're the author of your own life. You can choose to create a different backstory, one that's free from past pain, bad relationships, and all the other baggage that life and all those people we engage with sometimes throw our way. It's like hitting the reset button on a video game, except this time, you get to design the levels, the characters, and the plot twists.

Let's put this theory to the test with a little creative exercise. (You are invited to try this at home, too) We're going to rewrite a classic tale, Thanksgiving, in a way that's more aligned with creating a better world. Instead of the traditional narrative where newcomers take the land from the natives...

...let's imagine a world where integration, learning, and collaboration are key.

Picture this: 

A group of newcomers, let's call them the "Harmony Seekers," arrive on the shores of a lush, unspoiled land inhabited by various tribes of indigenous people. But instead of continuing what they were taught - to conquer, rape, and pillage - they come with an open heart and a thirst for knowledge. 

They do not repeat their old ways of living 

or the wrong teachings 

they were taught by their parents or leaders. 

Instead, they search for a more peaceful and compassionate way of life in balance with the sacred feminine and sacred masculine, with nature and all her creatures. 

The natives, whom we'll call the "Wisdom Keepers," greet them with curiosity and warmth. They share their knowledge of the land, the animals, the plants, and their deep connection to the earth. The Harmony Seekers, in turn, share their own knowledge of technology, agriculture, and medicine. 

It's a beautiful exchange of ideas, best practices, and healthy ways of living life.

Together, they forge a harmonious society that's a blend of the best of both worlds. The Harmony Seekers teach the Wisdom Keepers about advanced farming techniques and modern medicine, helping to improve the quality of life for everyone. In return, the Wisdom Keepers share their ancient wisdom about sustainability, respecting the earth, and living in harmony with nature. They explore each other's rites and rituals, spiritualities, and religions. Both groups drop judgment and become curious children of one another. 

The resulting society becomes a utopia where people coexist in balance with the land, animals, and each other. They celebrate Thanksgiving not as a historical event but as a yearly tradition of gratitude for the beautiful world they've built together.

In this rewritten tale, Thanksgiving isn't about division and conflict; it's about unity, collaboration, and the compassion to pursue a better world. It reminds us that we have the power to rewrite our own stories and create a brighter, more harmonious future for ourselves and our planet.

So, fellow storytellers, as we gather around the table this Thanksgiving, let's remember that we hold the pen to our own life stories. We can choose to rewrite them, infuse them with positivity, and create a world where integration and collaboration are the keys to a brighter tomorrow. But first, you must drop those old, stuck stories that are doing nothing but slowing down your progress. Drop them and let in something shiny and new. I believe in you!

Here's to a Thanksgiving filled with love, laughter, and the power to rewrite our stories for the better. 

Cheers to you and me, 

authors of our own lives!

Happy Holiday Season to all...



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