Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Death Doula Art Coming Soon

Death Doula Art
by Angie Azur

Hello Bookish friends and Creatives of all Sorts. As some of you know, I am training in the Death Doula arts, and as I am an artist, I decided to create Death Doula Art. I have created artwork for Death Doulas and those who have been touched by them during a family member's active dying. I am planning on opening my store soon - so stay tuned. 

What is Death Doula Art?

Death doula art, also known as end-of-life doula art, refers to the practice of using various forms of creative expression and artistic activities to support individuals who are nearing the end of their lives. Death doulas, often called end-of-life doulas or death midwives, are individuals who provide non-medical, holistic support to individuals and their families during the dying process. 

Incorporating art into their practice can have many amazing benefits:

Emotional Expression: Art allows individuals to express their feelings and emotions in a non-verbal and often cathartic way. When facing the end of life, many people experience a wide range of emotions, including fear, sadness, and anxiety. Art provides a safe and supportive outlet for these emotions to be expressed and processed.

Communication: For individuals who may have difficulty communicating verbally due to illness or frailty, art can serve as a powerful form of communication. It enables them to convey their thoughts, wishes, and feelings to their loved ones and caregivers.

Legacy and Remembrance: Creating art can be a way for individuals to leave a tangible legacy for their loved ones. It may include writing letters, recording their life stories, creating art pieces, or leaving behind other meaningful expressions of their life journey. This can provide comfort and a sense of continuity for both the individual and their family.

Reduction of Anxiety and Isolation: Engaging in creative activities can help reduce feelings of isolation and anxiety often associated with the end of life. It can serve as a source of distraction, comfort, and companionship, helping individuals focus on the present moment and find moments of joy and connection.

Spiritual and Existential Exploration: Art can be a means of exploring spiritual and existential questions about life and death. It allows individuals to delve into their beliefs, values, and hopes for what comes next, providing a sense of meaning and peace.

Empowerment and Autonomy: By engaging in art, individuals may feel a sense of empowerment and regain some control over their lives, even as they approach the end. This can enhance their sense of dignity and autonomy.

Supporting Caregivers: Death doula art not only benefits the individuals who are dying but also offers support to their caregivers and family members. It can provide a way for caregivers to connect with their loved ones, manage their own stress, and process their emotions.

Incorporating art into the practice of death doulas involves a wide range of creative activities, including visual arts (such as painting and drawing), writing (journaling, poetry, and storytelling), music, movement (dance and guided meditation), and other forms of expression tailored to the individual's preferences and needs.

Using art is a holistic approach to end-of-life care that recognizes the profound emotional, spiritual, and psychological dimensions of the dying process. It helps individuals and their loved ones navigate this transition with greater compassion, understanding, and healing. 

I will be teaching a Death Doula Art Class at CCLD soon - either in October or November - so look out for that invite here and on social media.

Write & Art

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