Thursday, February 15, 2024

Writing: Remembering Why

Writing: Remembering Why

Welcome back to Writing Teazurs where we dive deep into the heart of writing, beyond the pages and into the essence of what makes us writers. Today, we're peeling back the layers of the publishing world to reveal the art of writing—a craft so often overshadowed by the hustle of the business side. Let's remember how to keep your love for writing lit, even if the business side tries to snuff it out.

The Double-Edged Sword of Publishing

Publishing is a coveted milestone for many writers, the dream that keeps us typing into the wee hours. Yet, it's also a realm where spreadsheets and sales figures can cast long shadows over the creative process. Money. Money. Money. It's easy to get lost in the maze of marketing, sales, and the pursuit of the next big deal, so much so that the initial love for crafting stories can take a backseat.

It's also easy to become cynical and downright negative about publishing and then spread that to all of your writing buddies. Many people find camaraderie in misery, but I do not. I believe writing is my choice, and I am doing it because I love it. When other writers become too negative about their writing journey, it poisons my creativity. So, I try to stay positive about why I started writing. It wasn't for book deals. It was because I had to write. It was a calling inside of me, not out there on social media or in a business meeting.

I write because it's my form of art, and my art feeds my soul.

So Remember Why You Started

In the whirlwind of deadlines and deals, query letters, and resumes, take a moment to remind yourself why you began writing in the first place. Was it the thrill of creating new worlds? The joy of exploring complex characters? That character who just needs to be brought to life? Or perhaps the catharsis of pouring your soul onto the page? And becoming vulnerable on the page? Reconnecting with your foundational passion for writing can be the compass that guides you back to your creative center.

Protecting your happiness is important. Remember that old saying, "You are what you eat." That doesn't only mean the food you put into your mouth. If you are listening and absorbing negative comments, emotions, or attitudes from other writers, you will eventually become that, too. Be careful who you spend your writing time around and how they feel about the industry. Inevitably, you will repeat some negative news about writing to the next writer you meet, and it goes on and on and on...

Create Without Constraints

One of the purest ways to maintain your love for the craft is to regularly engage in writing that's just for you. No deadlines, no expectations, and certainly no thoughts of publishing. Write because you love to write. Experiment with new styles, dabble in genres you've never tried and let your imagination run wild. This is your sanctuary, a place where the business side of writing cannot tread.

A great way to do this every day is to set a timer for 5-10 minutes and freehand write. I use paper without lines, so I can just be as messy and artsy as I want with my words. It's for me, only me. It's been a wonderful way to connect to my inner muse.

Connect with Fellow Artisans

In a world that often values product over process (we must change this attitude), connecting with like-minded writers who see writing as an art form can be incredibly affirming. Whether it's through writing groups, forums, or workshops focused on the craft, surrounding yourself with people who share your passion for storytelling can reignite your love for the art and remind you that you're not alone in your journey.

Celebrate Small Victories

In the business of writing, success is often measured by sales figures, awards, and contracts. Yet, the art of writing is filled with countless other victories worth celebrating. Finished a challenging chapter? Developed a complex character? Found the perfect metaphor? Taught a writing class? Have you given a great critique? Learned how to create an exciting setting? Queried your first or 100th agent? Showed up to your computer keyboard? Wrote one beautiful sentence?

Celebrate these moments! They are the heartbeat of your writing journey.

Embrace the Journey, Not Just the Destination

Finally, remember that writing is a journey, not a destination. If you love the journey, the writing will follow. The path of a writer is marked by growth, discovery, and the deep satisfaction of expressing oneself. The publishing industry, with its ups and downs, is just one part of this wild adventure. Keep your focus on the joy of the journey itself, and let that joy fuel your continued passion for the craft.

Remember why you began this journey

In the grand tapestry of writing, the threads of art and business are tightly woven together. It helps to remember that at the heart of every writer is an artist, a storyteller driven by a love for the craft. No matter where you are in your publishing journey, never lose sight of that initial spark of passion that set you on this path. Let it light your way through the business fog and back to the pure joy of writing.

Keep cherishing and protecting

your love for the craft,

and may your words always flow freely.

For more thoughts and ideas on the writer's life and to keep your creative flame burning bright, stay tuned to




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