Thursday, January 24, 2013

Interview with Robert Ruisi: Author of I Done it Yeah, I did it!

I met Robert via Facebook. I reached out for an interview because I loved his children's books and their illustrations. 

Robert's a big kid! And who better to write for children? He's also pretty darn interesting too. With 70 books done, and still trucking along, you will learn a ton from him!! Please check out his site at the end of this interview for more information.

Below are the questions I asked him:

 1.    Describe your writing in 5 words: 

  Not sure, unedited!

 2.    You say to cherish the smaller things in life. What things do you appreciate? 

  Oh, mine fills books, but to give a glimpse; the smile on a child’s face when we see something for the first time. The laughing in halls as they race down to see who is really going to win, or the look in a dogs eye that wants to join in on all of the fun. Those are only a small few of the smaller things that I appreciate.  

 3.    Why write? 

  I am driven to write. I have no clue no rhyme or reason to something comes over me and I just have to write almost as if someone hits me on the head and says take this down, RIGHT NOW!

 4.    How many books have you written and in what genres? 

  65 books for kids, 1 YA The Three Letters, and 4 others; The Panhandler Diaries, The Unknown Stories, Dancing into the Fog, and last The Hitchhiker. 

  Seventy in all, not all of the children’s stories are published yet it takes time doing the illustrations, but little by little they will be.

 5.    You write about serious topics that kids go through, like adoption. How did you research for this book? 

  Most of my stories are not as serious as “The Green Book.” That strikes a serious note because I myself was adopted and we do have identity issues. And others? 

  Researching a child’s mind is rather easy I just have to open mine up! We might put on bigger shoes and great big clothes but just under the surface there is that little kid just waiting and wanting to come out to play.

 6.    Which book is your favorite and why? 

  Honestly, I could not begin to tell you which one is my favorite. Each story has something to say in its own little way.

 7.    Do you belong to any writer's associations? If so, which ones and why? 

  No, actually I do not belong to any but I know that most should. Birds of a feather do perform best when they flock together.

 8.    What time do you get up and what do you eat for breakfast? 

   I normally wake up around 3 AM have no idea why, and rarely do I eat breakfast.

  9.    Who is your biggest cheerleader? 

  That is a hard one to answer I could say my daughters or my grandchildren but I think the biggest cheerleader is someone that leaves a review.

 10. What do you think about the publishing world today? 

  You do not want to get me started here. It has its good points and it has its bad points. There are still too many predators floating about taking advantage of the unsuspecting writer. 

   A publisher’s job is to sell and print books. Sell being a keyword. If a publisher is not marketing the correct way it is hurts the writers that they bring aboard. 

  There are two very important areas that a writer should check before jumping aboard with a publisher; what is their reputation and what are they going to do for me? Promises are easily thrown into the air. They are only baited hooks.  

 11. How has self-publishing opened or closed doors for creative people?

   I think self-publishing is key, today. I suggest to do that first and then look for a good agent and publisher; they can open the rest of the doors to a writer.

 12. Do you use a professional editor? 

   I do with some stories but not the children’s. Humbly said, I have a line waiting to do them!

 13. Where's the best place to get a great cup of Joe or Tea in your town? 

  My oldest daughters’ house, she makes the best!

 14. What is your writing process like? How do you begin? 

   I don’t have a process. I am almost forced to write. It’s like having a brick thrown at your head with a “write this down or else!” attached to the brick.

 15. Are you a linear writer? Or do you jump all over? 

   Linear I guess best fits the question. I can’t stop writing until a story is done. Weird process I go through with one stories I was up for days…five plus and still could not sleep until it was completed.

 16. Who was the best influence on you, in your past, for writing? A teacher? Parent? Sibling?

   My mommy! She raised me you know, and if I said anything else she’d swat me right side the head. lol

 17. What one word best describes you? 

  Oh I should not answer this one! I am a bit of a child myself and you would not want me to get too carried away with what I might say!

 18. What is your hope for your writing in the future? 

  Only that it is enjoyed.

 19. How do you promote your books? Which way do you believe is the best? 

   I cannot answer this one but I am working on it for every author.

 20. Give 3 great pointers for newbie writers: 

  Write with your heart if you have to sit down and figure out what you are going to write stop. Let yourself be driven by your heart to write!

 21. Any big news? 

  Yes actually I do. I am not sure if you should use this or not… January 26th 9:40:28 PM est time at Bookmark it now!!

  This is where authors, publishers and others in the literary community can share their services and sell books making 100% of their sales! Now that is amazing.

  Book-Spot opens to the public February 10, 2013 at 12:22:46 AM New York time

The next book being released is The Unknown Stories it is for the mature YA readers I was shocked when I was told that it was very poeish!  

Humble Thanks,
Robert Ruisi - author of the "I done did it. Yeah, I did!" series

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