Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Query Letters Class at FlatIron Writers Room

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Hello Writers -

This post and upcoming class in April 2023 are for you if you are getting ready to Query and live near Asheville, NC. If you don't live nearby - contact me, and let's work on your query together.

Yes, query letters are still important even in this very fast digital age. I was hoping they'd go away somehow. Like, maybe the agents would check out our websites or just read the first paragraph of our manuscript, but alas, the query letter still stands between the writer and agent. 

The problem with the query letter is ---  it is a totally different way of writing than book writing. So, you, the writer, have to learn how to write a great query after those many, many months, or maybe many years, of book writing and revising - you now have to change the way you write and be a commercial writer and promote yourself like a marketer would. It's awful! I know. 

So, how do you do that? You must take the time to study query letters, practice, have your peers read them, and then finally send it out to agents. This might take you weeks or months, and it will definitely drive you mad.

I've gone through this tough learning curve and have come out understanding how to craft a query that will get you past the intern or new agent. Then hopefully, your novel writing will grab them, and you'll be on your way to publication.

But first, the Query: For this, I am teaching a class at Flatiron Writer's Room in Asheville this spring. Below is the flyer. I hope to see you there....but if you don't live near Asheville, I would love to help you with your query. Reach out to me for one-on-one query work. I love helping other writers.


Angie Azur: Writer | Artist | Philosopher

MFA/Ph.D. © Wisdom Studies Writing Tips @

Getting Past the Intern with:
The Horrible No Good Very Bad Query Letter


Discover what an amazingly great query letter is so you can create one that will make it past the intern and into the agent’s inbox. Getting past the intern is the first hurdle in the way of your first pages being read. First pages are essential, but they’ll get deleted if you don’t write an amazing and unique query letter. Trust me; I’ve deleted thousands.


  1. Understand the do’s & don’ts and why’s of the Query Letter

  2. To get a look at what an intern for an agent does and why your query MUST be unique.

  3. To create a Query Letter that will get you past the intern and into the agent’s inbox.

  4. Look at the four parts of a Query Letter and revise them to greatness.


Bring your best query letter with you. We will read them out loud - yes, all of them. This is the time to get past your fears of being read and start on the road to becoming an agented author. We will help one another create the best query for that one unique project. Before reading, we will discuss how to handle critique without defending or taking it personally and shutting down (I know it’s difficult to do - but you can do it).

We will discuss what an intern to an agent does, what the inbox looks like, and how much time each query letter gets from the intern to read. It’s not much. So you must capture the intern’s interest quickly. Most coveted agents have interns reading their query boxes. The agent you are going after is not reading them first. The intern is. The agent is also not responding back to you. The intern is, even if it looks like it’s coming from the agent. We’ll talk about this and more behind-the-scenes intern activities and jobs. The more you know, the better your chances! 

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