Friday, July 3, 2020

Food is for Celebration and Health

Gluten Free Crackers & Fun Finger Foods
Celebrate Food - Savor Every Bite! ⁠

Meals should be a time for celebration, during a shift to Ancestral Health foods and forever after. Sure, it may be a little difficult to forgo old dietary norms like cereal, bread, pasta, and baked goods, but keep your focus on the pleasure available instead of what you are missing out on. ⁠

Negativity associated with eating has no place in a happy life: deprivation / restriction / portion control / guilt / has to go. Instead, treat eating as one of life's greatest pleasures. ⁠

Eat whatever real foods you like until you are totally satisfied at each meal, and then feel free to eat again any time you feel hungry. (The operative word being "satisfied" not "stuffed") ⁠

Eating aligned with Ancestral Health principles frees you from the sugar induced, insulin roller coaster so you can reconnect with, and trust, hunger and satisfaction cycles that have nourished humans for 2.5 million years.

With the celebration mentality comes a deepened respect for food as nourishment, instead of simply fuel. Take the time to create relaxing mealtime environments, eat at a comfortable pace so you can savor every bite and eliminate all distractions that diminish your enjoyment of the meal and your dining companions. ⁠

So pick up that fork and let the celebration begin!

Let us know your favorite foods and how you celebrate food in your life!

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