The first document you may encounter is the; What coaching is compared to other forms of help form. You may receive a definition of the coach and coaching and what it is or isn't, like the one below.
- Welcome to Whole Human Healthy a place for Spiritual and Primal Body Coaching and Deep Intuitive Healings. We are happy you have chosen us as co-creators for your highest good. It is important that we begin our time together with a clear understanding of our roles, so that we can dive right into guiding, healing, and helping you achiever your goals.
- Definition of Coaching: This is a professional partnership in which we work together to clarify areas that you would like to improve and work toward to achieve your desired outcomes. Coaching is distinct form consulting in that you come up with your own ideas and answers rather than being given advice. Coaching is separate from therapy in that we begin where you are in the NOW. We will dive into obstacles that are keeping you from moving forward in the now, but we will not engage in therapy or any psychological area. We do have great therapists and psychologists as referrals if that is needed.
The next form you might see is a fee and appointments expectation form:
- Fees and Payments: We prefer cash or check. The fee for WHH coaching is $160/hour. We have packages at $420/3 Sessions ($140/s) and $600/5 Sessions ($120/s). Packages must be paid upfront in full.
- Keeping Appointments and Time Slots: We encourage you to keep your appointments and schedule them regularly. This may look like once a week or once a month, but whatever timeframe you choose, it's best to keep it the same throughout our coaching relationship. This ensures your best growth and creates a known schedule for you to complete the homework.
- Missed Appointments: You have made a beautiful commitment to yourself and to us. Healing and growth occur with consistency, and so it is vital that you keep your regular appointments in order to achieve your energetic and physical goals. We understand emergencies happen. If this is the case, please alert us as soon as possible so that we can be of support to you and reschedule our appointment. For all other missed appointments, the full charge will be applied, unless contacted 24 hours in advance. This goes the same for us. If we miss an appointment without notifying you within 24 hours, you will receive one free session. If you are late for an appointment, sorry but we must end on the scheduled time.
You might get a Coach & Client Responsibilities & Confidentiality Form:
- As Spiritual and Primal Human Wholeness Coaches, we will create a professional partnership where you feel safe, comfortable, and in control of your spiritual body and primal body energies at all times. All that you share with us will be held as confidential.
We will work together to clarify issues and/or blocks in both the energetic fields and 3D physical fields. During each session, we will ask you what your desired outcome is, and we will guide the session toward that goal. Coaching is distinct from consulting, ministering, or counseling. We empower you. We believe you have the life's answers you seek ~ within you. We believe you hold the knowledge on how to heal yourself. We are purely guides and the bridge between your forgotten knowing's and your awakening back to remembering. We will hold you accountable for taking steps toward your goals, new spiritual practices, and showing up to do the work.
- As Lightworkers and Healers, we will always ask permission before engaging with your energy or physical body fields. We will respect your boundaries at all times. We will also respect our boundaries at all times. We use various types of energy forms, our intuition, as well as spiritual guides to advise and mentor us as we engage in a healing practice with you. We have been highly trained in many disciplines and offer certain tools determined by your energetic fields. We stand for you and with you always.
Our sessions will be held in our Sacred Yurt or by Zoom. The location to be determined by your schedule. Please arrive no more than 10 minutes before your appointment.
- Client's Responsibilities: You are responsible for keeping the agreements and the appointments as stated in this document or by using our acuity scheduling application. You are responsible for maintaining your well-being and continuing on any doctor prescribed medications and/or health regimes. We ask that you take responsibility for your willingness to do this work, to show up ready, to be coachable, to look into yourself for answers, and to give feedback in order to help us help you better.
You may also be asked to sign waivers:
- These may range depending on what type of coaching you are signing up to receive. Some coaches work with plant medicines, teas, chocolate, massage, dance, drumming, art and body work. The waivers will fit their expertise.
You may be asked to sign a communications statement:
- I agree to communicate openly and honestly. I agree to use my sessions in a professional and coachable manner.
- I agree to use email as my primary form of contact with my coach.
- I agree to use my journal to keep all of my ideas and thoughts in between sessions.
- I understand that if I contact my coach outside of my session time, I will be billed in 15-minute blocks of time.
- I will not text or phone call my coach unless it is an emergency.
And lastly, you may have to sign a copyright form:
- During our coaching sessions, I may assign you materials that are copyrighted by ________. The coach will list those books, papers, materials in this section. Remember that your coach paid for, and took time to take classes and or sessions from guides, teachers, healers, and gurus. They have been okayed to use certain materials with their clients. This does not mean that clients can take materials and pass them onto their friends or their clients.
Coaching is rewarding, fun, playful, serious and real character work! Once we get the paper work out of the way, we all settle into our sessions with pure-heart focus. We hope this helps get you ready and lesson any fears of becoming a coaching client.