So here I am talking about the 4th week. This is a brainstorming week. The assignment was to come up with my favorite moments as a child, my biggest fears, biggest upsets, and most embarrassing times. I also added the most annoying things. I thought those tidbits might come in handy later on in this novel.
Below are my lists:
Petting Jingles in the enclosed porch in the
west Mayfield House
Eating watermelon with Ginger on her porch
Riding bikes to the playground alone for the
first time
Playing release with neighbor kids
Hanging out in the woods / eating wild
blueberries and strawberries
Swinging on the rope swing
Finding a bunny at the end of a rope for Easter
Swimming in Nan’s pool
Riding horses with friends
Riding my bike to friend's houses
Sitting under the bridge over the train tracks
Singing with Julie and playing in the covered
Dancing with John
Dancing at the college hill dances
Singing in the rain with Julie / splashing in
Spending the night at a friend's house
Staying up late
Playing Santa for Lawny
Hiding Easter eggs / coloring them
Pushing Pap-pap in his wheelchair/getting
Shopping with mom, nan, & lawny
· 8th-grade graduation in that favorite
black & white dress
Holding baby brothers
Trying out for cheerleading / making the team
Becoming head cheerleader
Joining the fire department as a junior
Kissing / flirting with older boys
Art class with Mr. Gayle
Swimming in gym class
Lunch with friends
Football games/basketball & games/cheering for
the team
Field trips / Niagara Falls
Road trip and staying up late with dad
Playing with cousins / falling asleep wherever
Lifeguarding at the lake
Kissing Jason in my white bathing suit
Long talks at night on the phone/dreaming
Going to parties/sneaking around with beer
Reading Melanie Rawn/learning more about sex
Hanging out with the twins
Going to the Zoo
Playing ouija board at sleepovers
Hanging out at Eat-n-park / playing with a ketchup
Hanging out at Jim’s barn/playing card games
and drinking
Training horses with one of the trainers for
barrel racing
·Tornadoes/wind/blowing stuff around
Dad losing his temper
Grandparents dying
Moving away from friends
Losing my friends
Not getting to go to college
Boyfriend cheating
Pet dying
Getting caught drinking
Friends finding out we were on government cheese
Shopping at Walmart
Never having enough money
Dad finding out I dated someone of color
Dad finding out I had sex
Getting pregnant
Losing the game when I was pitching
Not making the varsity cheerleading team
Getting a bad grade
Backstabbed by best friend
Moving away from best friend
Team losing in Hershey
Dumped and changed all my friends
Registering for college then being told I
couldn’t go
Finding out a rich uncle wanted to pay for me to
go to art school, and parents turned it down
Not finishing my easter egg for the contest in
Not getting to graduate 4th grade due
to chicken pox
Best friendship ends with dating Bryan
Finding a teddy bear and note in boyfriend’s
room from another girl
Pants pulled down my uncle at thanksgiving with
all the family there
Putting clothes on layaway at Kmart
Watching Chucky dance naked, and his mom caught
Farting in front of a boy I liked
Crashing my 10 speed with a boy I liked
Saying “your fat friend’s here” when the car was
going back out the driveway, and she was already in the house
Having to deliver papers to the senior
classrooms/tripping and getting whistled at and clapped for
Getting pushed to the ground by someone I thought
was my friend / other kids seeing it
Being dumped in the recycle bin by Eddie
John kissing me at college hill in front of
Getting caught smoking by mom
Dad told me every bad word he could think of
when I was going into 5th grade, so I wouldn’t say them
The sex talk with both parents
Talking to my parents about birth control
Boys taking pictures in the girl's bathroom when
we were changing
Boob falling out of bathing suit when diving
Falling all the way down at the gas station
Falling off a horse
Being seen naked by a parent
Jack walking in on me and Clara stuffing our
Jack walking in on me changing – top naked
Mom freaking out on me in front of a friend
People who whistle
Food stuck in teeth
· Coffee breath
Loud nose blowing
Paint chips off nails
Someone who can’t allow silence
Kicking the back of the chair in a movie theatre/airplane
Muscle spasms
Allergy eyes
Gunk in the corners of eyes
Pee on toilet seats
Cracked dry feet in yoga class
People who pay money to have great hair cuts and
color but never actually do their hair
People who push alcohol / let me drink my water without the peer pressure
Men with long fingernails / especially sharp
Fingernails with tons of designs and bling
Moms dressing like their tween daughters
· oily-smelling hair
people that complain but never do anything
the smell of dog food
someone who cleans up as soon as they are done
with the last bite / can’t even take a second to breathe / overly organized
squeaky doors
locks on cars that don’t open
super muggy days
mosquitoes / itchy bites
biting flies
dropping red wine on white pants
bangs too short that fall into my eyes
band aides floating in a pool
smokers who flick their butts like it’s not
old men who blow their nose in restaurants
when fingers swell so rings can’t come off
wind blowing balloons
high-pitched cackling
someone who sings the wrong words to a song
underwear that rides up
having to shave
bubble gum snapping
people who chew with their mouths open
people who don’t take pride in what they have
teachers giving too much homework
What I learned:
This assignment brought me back to those feelings as a child and teen that you are different, that people are always judging you, and that things are impossible.
I closed my eyes and put myself back in time. I could see my school. I could hear my friends. I could feel my embarrassment or sadness. To write from true feelings is to allow others a glimpse of your true self. It will resonate with people.
Now I chose to write from the child I was, and not the adult I am because I write for children. I need to be in touch with the feelings from that time period in my life.
I suggest if you write for adults, you come up with lists that capture the age of your main character, or narrator.
I enjoyed this assignment so much. And I know that I will use these lists for future stories I will tell.
Good luck!
Now remember - this assignment was done with my teenage thinking brain: this is how a teen thinks / says things / not how I think today (well, some of it is the same).