Sandra comes from an amazing background of Voodoo and the Catholic Religion. Of course she became a writer.
Below are the questions I asked her:
1. What
does the description “life-observer” mean to you?
love to sit back and watch people as they go through their daily lives, and observe
situations as they unfold. Each person has a story to tell, and each situation offers
a lesson to learn, so I consider it a treat to be a witness to it all. It’s
like getting cheat codes in the game of Life.
2. You
wrote poetry as a young person. How does that help you with your novels today?
don’t write poetry any more, but I think one of the important things I learned
from it is to pay attention to my characters’ feelings as the story unfolds.
3. What’s
the oddest thing a fan has sent you in the mail?

4. What
was the most interesting thing about living with a devout Catholic Father and a
Voodoo priestess Mother?
a child to a variety of beliefs allows that child to open his/her mind to, and
respect, the beliefs of others. Given that I also had a grandmother who
practiced Strega ( a traditional path of Italian witchcraft) made it even more
interesting. In the end, the coolest thing to find out was that all traditions,
and all religions, are merely different paths to get connected to a Higher
Power. As we say in Italy, all roads lead to Rome.
5. What
time do you get up and what do you eat for breakfast?
schedule varies with the seasons. In the winter, when my children are in
school, I get up at 5:30 to get my sons up and ready; in the summer, when the
only time I have to write is at night, I go to bed very late and get up very
late the next morning. I rarely eat breakfast – coffee, plenty of it, is my first
companion of the day.
6. Why
did you write the Book of Obeah?
question. Honestly, I don’t know. I always loved to write, but with young
children, I never had time to really consider writing as a profession. I woke
up one morning, six years ago, with a few sentences in my head, and wrote them
down. After I did that, more sentences began to form in my mind, and Melody’s
character began to surface. I didn’t know where the story was going, but as I
wrote, it took a life of its own and I kept on writing. I didn’t even plan to
publish it at first, but a series of strange occurrences led me in that
direction, and here I am.
7. What
one thing is a MUST have on your writing desk?
can’t think of anything in particular, aside, maybe, from a strong cup of
8. Describe
your writing in 5 words:
Suspenseful. Redeeming. Hopeful. Fast-paced.
9. What
is your blog about?
don’t post as much as I used to, but I like to blog about life itself. I write
about all kinds of things, and try to find a spiritual twist and a lesson into
all of them. I guess most of my blog entries are about finding the sacred into
the ordinary.
10. Who
is your biggest cheerleader?
it okay if I pick a few? My sister Patrizia is on top of the list; also my
consulting editors, Dena and Sherrill; my agent, Natalie, and several of my
readers. One reader in particular, Mr. Powers, constantly sends me notes of
encouragement and appreciation, and although he struggles with his health at
times, he will drive many miles to attend my events. Mr. Powers, if you read
this, I hope you know how much your support means to me.
11. What’s
the funniest thing a fan has asked you?
do you kill and hurt people?” (In reference to my writing, of course….)
12. What
is your perception of reality?
is a dream of our Higher Mind. As such, it can be changed by offering
suggestions to our subconscious, the same way one would alter night dreams by
changing daily routines. Stay tuned for this whole concept to be revisited in
the final book of THE CROSSROADS SERIES (The Book of Obeah was the first book;
The Rosaries is the second; The Key will be the third, and Dream Gates will be
the fourth.)
13. Any
advice for newbie writers?
ever give up. There are many new tools available to authors, compared to even
five years ago, so there is no reason at all to abandon your dreams. Take the
time to do a little research, take everything with a grain of salt and focus on
creating something YOU would enjoy reading. Another important thing…ask an
extra pair of eyes to take a good look, possibly someone who’s not part of your
family or in your circle of close friends. Honest feedback is vital, and good
editing is essential.
14. What’s
the one thing you discovered about yourself that has changed you?
resilience -- both physical and mental. The business of writing can be tough –
many hours spent alone behind a keyboard, and rejection around many corners,
can truly test one’s personal strength. I’ve discovered that I don’t need much
sleep, and if someone doesn’t like what I write, I can accept their criticism
without being crushed.
15. How
do you think the publishing world is evolving: For the good or bad?
mind generally runs on a progressive gear, so my assumption is that even if it
is painful to see bookstores closing down, digital editions are the way of the
future. E-books allow people to read more, because they are less expensive and
can be stored into a very compact space, and they are also eco-friendly.
Anything that encourages readers to read more can only be good.
16. Why
did you write Housekeeping for the Soul?
passion belongs with fiction; however, when I first got out there in the big,
scary world of publishing, I knew no editor would give the time of day to a
brand-new author they never heard of.
My agent at the time asked me if I would
be willing to write a nonfiction to open the doors, so I decided to give it a
shot, especially since my blog posts were, for the most part, inspirational. I
love all things spiritual, and after being a stay-at-home mom for almost twenty
years, I am very familiar with housekeeping, so I married the two concepts, and
Housekeeping for the Soul was born.
17. If
someone said, “Your writing changed my life.” What would they be referring to?
to my motto: “A different perspective can change your perception of reality.”
Life can be seen as the light emanating from a diamond. It reflects in
different colors depending on where you’re standing when you look at the
diamond, so if you want to change the light you see, all you have to do is
shift from your current position.
18. How
can my blog readers help you to become an even bigger success?
they like my stories, I hope they will help me spread them through word of
mouth. People can communicate, today, like they have never been able to do in
the past, so a good word shared with friends and family can literally go around
the world.
19. Do
you belong to any writer’s groups? If so, which ones and why?
do. I belong to one physical writers’ group, Triangle Area Freelancers, which
meets in Raleigh the last Wednesday of every month, and to several groups
I even founded my own group on Facebook, called WRITERS AND ARTISTS
SHARE! We help one another by sharing the work of other artists and by offering
encouragement and feedback.
If you are on Facebook, feel free to join us, even
if you simply enjoy the creative work of others. We can always use the feedback
of readers and art enthusiasts.
20. What
one word best describes you?
Once I get an idea on my mind, I don’t let it go until I am fully satisfied
with the outcome.
21. What’s
the scariest thing you’ve found to be true in the Voodoo and Catholic belief
In all religions. Fear is a tool that organized systems use to control those
who don’t know any better. Fear screams directly at the survival mechanism
connected to our primal instincts, and thus it can spread faster than a virus.
My religion is to neutralize fear, in all its forms.
Well surely I did read this. Sandra you are constantly on my mind I am in love with your writing and cannot believe I have found such a romancem With reading,this late in life. Luv ya , Honey. Ed Powers.