- Narrator: 1st person? 3rd? detached narrator?
- P.O.V. - does it switch? Or stay close to the MC?
- Tense - Past or Present?
- Setting - Where? When?
- Timelines - What is the time constraint? What is moving the story from A to B?
- Tone - Simple? Complex? Straightforward? Open? Closed?
- Major Conflict - What is your MC's major conflict - the main one
- Minor Conflicts - Man vs. Self? Man vs. Man? Man vs. Nature? Man vs. Fate? Man vs. Society?
- Rising Action - Leading up to the climax
- Climax - When does everything change for your MC?
- Falling Action - Coming down from the big change
- Themes:
- The Great Journey - a series of episodic adventures
- Loss of Innocence - coming of age
- The Noble Sacrifice - for anyone, a loved one, an enemy, a group
- The Great Battle - people or groups of people in conflict
- Fall From Grace - doing something God should do = always followed by misfortune
- Love and Friendships - romantic love or buddy films
- Fate - from good to bad or bad to good / some other force is guiding the mc
- Revenge - bitter sweet
- Trickery - a group or person tricks someone into doing something
- Mystery - something unexplained happens
You might also want to consider what script writer's consider when developing a movie script:
- What is sellable in this book? Products? Can they sell a wand? A mug? A t-shirt from it?
- Product tie-ins? Are there any major companies that might back this book if they have a tie in to sell their product? Type of car the mc drives? Type of drink? Toy or electronics the mc uses or wants?
This may seem like a huge task, but I promise you, if you understand these questions about your novel, it will be easier to create and write and revise.